My house is THE STUDIO!
The garage is now the wet studio minus the sink. I have shelves overflowing with mixed-media supplies, closets brimming with dyes and paints, and all manner of bubble wrap, packing materials, fabrics, electric skillets for batik, swimming pool noodles for shibori, etc. Come and play with me!
MY STUDIO was once unfinished attic space. Then it was remodeled to make a playroom. It used to have ugly orange and white wallpaper from the late 60′s and ugly orange carpet. My son Jonathan had painted a portrait of Jimi Hendrix on the wall by the window and another portrait of Jim Morrison on the other wall by the window. The boys are gone.
Now it has light blue walls with multicolored flowers growing up on one wall, lavender carpet and a host of shelves and organizers. I love looking at all the colors of fabric, yarn, and embellishments. I have a hanging ribbon collection also.
Now it is the home of my stash (before I started back with fiber I thought a stash was something you smoked! Then I discovered it was an addiction to fabric), my extensive library of books on architecture, art quilting, embroidery, embellishments, and surface design, an office space with notebooks of ideas and online class lessons, my sewing machine that is bipolar, and my embellisher which I love. Then there are three design walls. My dog Abby likes to hang out up here and contemplate projects.
The studio has evolved as I have acquired more fabric, embellishments, books, etc. It’s amazing how a stash can grow from absolutely nothing to needing at least two rooms in the house. I also have a shelf of supplies in the laundry room. I have everything organized my type of supply.
Downstairs my dining room table seems to be my filing cabinet, my office is filled with reference books for fiber art and art techniques, my MAC, IPAD, and Iphone all work to keep me organized and updated, my kitchen table often has a project on the table, my laundry room struggles with a filled bookcase of art supplies and a too small sink, my washer and dryer assist in working with dyed and marbled fabrics, and my garage now has three work tables filled with more supplies. Oh, let’s not forget the closets in the garage that are starting to fill up with supplies and the two bookcases with more supplies.
I went to a CREATE workshop last year and when we were introducing ourselves, one of the girls called herself an art store wh…….!! I thought that was funny. I guess I have crossed over to the dark side – my stash is overflowing – thank goodness for a large home. Oh, I forgot about Michael’s bed upstairs filled with finished cloth and scarves. It’s a good thing he doesn’t live here any more! I haven't made it to Jonathan's room yet!