Leaving on a jet plane.......

I'm going to London, Norway, and Amsterdam!

Here is the calendar:

May 7-14 - Visiting London with my friend Mary Melander
May 14-16 - Visiting Oslo with my friend Mary Melander
May 16-May 30 - In Oslo we will be joining the LoomDancer Odyssey Weaving, Knitting, and Embroidery Tour of Norway and meeting up with some of our friends from last fall's Scotland adventure.
May 30-June 4 - Mary and I will finish up in Amsterdam and say good bye until the next time!

I am on Facebook as Michele Kramer Lasker - I will post pictures on Facebook.

I am on Instagram as michelelasker - I will post pictures on Instagram.

 I am most excited about returning to London for the fifth time, thrilled to be going to Norway for the first time, and finally returning to Amsterdam - I was 23 the last time I was in Holland - seems just like yesterday..........just a young girl with long hair, short skirts, no joint replacements, and a whole wide world ahead of me.

I'm still that young girl at heart with a few improvements along the way. I hope you enjoy the ride....I am planning to have a fabulous trip!
